Sunday, June 23, 2013


I have said many times, Simon is quite different from Daniel and Sam.  I knew from the start that he was different.  For starters, Daniel and Sam were very easy babies.  They played on the floor and entertained themselves for long periods of time as infants.  Or many times they enjoyed hanging out in their swing or exer-saucer.  Simon cried for the first 6 months of his life.  Simon only stopped crying if he was being held.  He didn't enjoy alone time on the floor.  Daniel and Sam never wanted to feed themselves.  In fact, today, they would probably be happy if someone was feeding them.  Simon wanted to feed himself as soon as he knew what a fork or spoon was.  He got frustrated if he missed, but he still wanted to do it himself.  Simon had issues with dairy, and couldn't have any until he was about 1 1/2 years old.  Daniel and Sam never had that problem.  Daniel and Sam never cared what they were wearing.  I always picked out their clothes.  I still pick out their clothes.  Simon has very definite opinions about what he will and will not wear.  And so we come to potty training.  Daniel and Sam ran around the house naked for a couple of days.  Then they transitioned to underwear, and that was that.  They knew the routine.  Simon has not had any interest in being potty trained.  But we convinced him that it was finally time to try.  So last week we started the potty training process.  The first day he DID NOT want to run around the house naked, although after about day 3 I was able to convince him that he would be okay.  We've been at this for about a week now.  He does pretty well if he is naked, but every time we put underwear on him, he has had an accident.  So we still have a ways to go.  I don't mind that he's different, and I embrace his uniqueness.  I just find it rather amusing that I think I know how to raise kids, and then along comes Simon, and everything changes and starts all over again.  I guess he will be the one to keep my on my toes.

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