Monday, May 28, 2012

Walking Vs. Running

Staring back in high school, I've always tried to do some form of exercise.  I've tried various types of exercise, from running, walking, videos, and/or classes at a gym.  I seem to do what the spirit moves me to do at any given time.  There are days when I want to exercise, but more often, I do it because I know I will feel better when I am done and because I want to be healthy.  Lately, I've chosen running as my method of exercise.  But there were days when I really didn't want to run.  On those days, I would tell myself, "Well, at least you can get out here and do it.  Some people aren't able."  And I would just keep going.  Now that I'm having to take a break from running, I see the value in it even more.  I am thankful that my lack of running should only be a short time.  The walking is okay, but I'm surprised how much I miss running.  When I first heard that I would have to walk, I thought, "Oh good, an excuse to slow down and go slow."  But now, after a couple weeks of walking, I'm looking forward to getting the green light to run again.  Once again, I am thankful that I can walk or run.  And when I take up running again, I doubt I will take it for granted.

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