I have been amazed at what the human body is capable of, especially for us women. One year ago, I looked like this.
39 Weeks Pregnant with Simon | | | |
Back then, I could barely eek out walking for 2 miles. And that was on a good day. I remember when I started exercising and trying to lose the baby weight. It was about 2 months after having Simon, and we had moved to our house here on the west side, which is very hilly. I went out for one of my first jogs and realized how out of shape I was when I came to the first hill and had to walk. It didn't help that a jogger happened by and jogged quickly past me. I wanted to tell her, "Hey, I just had a baby!" I just had to keep at it. I was on a mission to lose the 45 pounds I had gained with this pregnancy. (Which I'm happy to report I've lost all but 3). And so I kept at the jogging. Sometime around December, I was asked if I wanted to be part of a team to run Hood to Coast. I jumped at the chance. Not only did it seem like a great opportunity, but I also knew it would motivate me to get back in shape. And one year later, with 2 weeks to go till HTC, I can now jog several miles a day. And once again, I am just amazed at what a body can go through in a year.