Monday, June 16, 2014

Ramona Falls

Two Saturdays ago, we went with a few friends from church to go on a hike to Ramona Falls.  Ramona Falls is located towards Mt. Hood, along the Sandy River.  We were told it was a 7.3 mile hike which loops up and around some beautiful falls, looping back around again.  We knew this would be a stretch for the boys, more Simon, but even Sam.  We figured Daniel could handle it.  We drove up there and met up with our friends.  Daniel has a nice group of boys whom he has met through Sabbath School that he enjoys playing with.  And of course Sam and Simon love to tag along as well.  We started hiking.  Simon had to take a few breaks along the way for some snacks and we all had to take little breaks for water and to enjoy the views.  About half way there, Daniel had to go to the bathroom.  I felt bad for him because then he fell behind the others and his friends.  We took off again, even running a little ways, but then he had to go to the bathroom a second time.  Poor guy.  We finally made it to the falls, and it was really pretty!  But when we got there, I was a little worried about Daniel, and so I made him eat something and drink lots of water.  It was also a little chilly.  I was afraid we had stretched the boys maybe a little too thin!  So we started hiking back around the loop.  Daniel fell, trying to run and keep up with his friends again.  Sam and Simon took a couple of small tumbles too, but they were all right.  As we neared the end of the trail, we noticed a sign reading 4 miles to the falls.  So now we are thinking the hike might be closer to 8.5 miles.  I don't know for sure, but it was a long hike for us.  When we got back, everyone had brought food for a potluck dinner.  We were very hungry and everything tasted good!  I would do the hike again, but perhaps be a little more prepared next time!

Sam with Mt. Hood

Climbing Sam

Snack Break

Silly Group Pic

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