For Memorial Weekend this last May we went to Manzanita Beach with Jeff's parents. We rented our usual favorite house on Treasure Cove Lane, just 2 blocks from the beach. We got there Friday night and after dinner, the boys wanted to go down to the beach to play. Since the sun is going down so late this time of year, we had plenty of time in the evening to play.
Saturday morning the boys played more at the beach. Then we got in our cars and drove north up to Ft. Stevens. We packed our bikes. We had a picnic lunch, and then we took a bike ride through Ft. Stevens. We visited Battery Russell and the Historical Monument. We also rode out to the beach where an old ship ran aground over 100 years ago. The metal remains are still there although eroding over time. It's interesting to see.
The Ship Wreck |
Sunday we spent a lot of time at the beach. The boys tried to dam up a little water area that runs down to the ocean. They could dig and build in the sand for hours. It was also a good day to fly kites. So we did that too. We also visited another beach a short drive away. They played kickball and walked along the sand. They love the beach.
Making the Dam |
The Dam Breaks |
Playing Kickball |
Sam Testing the Waters |
While there, Jeff and I got some runs in on the beach. We had a fun weekend and hope to go back soon.