A few weekends ago we went camping with our friends Donald and Ruth and their 3 kids. We went to a place called Florence, OR, along the coast. It is a really pretty spot, with the campsite not being too dirty. I guess the one thing we had to contend with this year was the mosquitoes, but other than that, things were really great. The weather was warm, which is nice. I can handle a lot of things while camping, but I really have a hard time if it's cold, especially at night. The camping location also was next to a small lake. Donald has a canoe that we were able to take out and enjoy. We also were about a mile and a half walk from the beach. On Saturday afternoon, we decided to walk there, thinking it would be fun to play on the beach. However, it was very windy and rather chilly, so we didn't stay long and quickly returned back to our campsite.
The food is always one of my favorite parts of camping. Donald and Ruth bought a camping stove this year, which was fun to use. We made cinnamon rolls one morning. And of course there are smores and lots of yummy snacks to eat while camping too.
This year was the first year for Simon to use a sleeping bag. He did pretty well and stayed warm, which is good. The second night he woke up crying, I think scared because he was unsure of his surroundings. But once he figured out he was safe, he was okay.
The kids had such a fun time playing. They get along well, which is wonderful. They love to run around the bushes, playing make believe games. They also entertained themselves with bikes and bubbles.
We've only managed to go camping once a summer the past few summers. Perhaps we'll be able to do more as Jeff's schedule gets easier and the boys get older. But for now, we can say we went, and we had a great time!
Eating Lunch |
Baby Tyler |
Canoe Rides |
Daniel & Natalie |
Bubbles! |
Digging for lost treasure |
Sam got buried |