Monday, July 9, 2012

A Resolution Update

Well, July marks halfway through the year.  I thought I would check in with my New Year's Resolutions.  Here they are again:

1.  Run in at least 5 races this year
2.  Make a new recipe each week
3.  Update this blog more than once a month

Starting with #1: I have run in 4 races.  My plan is to run in the Pints to Pasta run in September.  But I am waiting for the okay to really be back running again full time.  I'm optimistic that this will happen, but I don't have full control over this one, so I will have to wait and see.

#2: This resolution has been the most difficult.  Over the past 3 months, I was trying a new recipe each week, then every other week, then one a month, and now it's been a while.  I will still try a new recipe when I can.  But this one has definitely been my weakest link.

And #3: I have updated my blog more than I thought I would.  I think it has been close to once a week, although I've missed some here and there, especially when I'm gone a lot.  I've tried not to let it overwhelm me, and sometimes I just say a few words or post a couple of pics.  It seems to help to just keep the momentum going a little.

I hope you are all have a great summer!

Race #4, 1 more to go!

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