I feel like there is so much going on right now. I have so much I want to say yet not enough time to sit down and write it all down. So I will backtrack a bit and talk about a few weekends ago when I met up with my sisters in Northern California.
The three of us haven't gotten together for a few years, so it was so much fun to be able to spend this time together. We thought we would go to San Francisco for the weekend, but we never actually made it there. My sister Cheryl and I flew into Sacramento on Friday morning. We agreed that we would spend the first night with my sister Laura, who lives in Shingle Springs, CA. We thought this would be a good way to save a few dollars rather then getting a hotel. So on Friday we started out in Old Town Sac. We walked around and had lunch. It was a beautiful sunny day, and we enjoyed being outside and talking with one another. That night, we took a marital arts class, and I got to see my nephews, Richard and Michael. It was also fun to see my brother-in-law Gary, whom I hadn't seen for about 3 years. The four of us had dinner and then stayed up late talking.
Gary & I |
On Saturday, our goal was to get up and head over to SF for the next 2 days. We got a late start after sleeping in and having breakfast. By the time we got just outside of Sacramento, we thought we might like to eat lunch. So we stopped in Davis. We found a yummy Thai food restaurant to eat at. Then, we also thought it would be fun to walk around the town of Davis. I had never spent time there, and it looked entertaining with its cute shops and fun places to wander. By the time we thought about leaving Davis, it was around 4:30. We talked about going on to SF or just heading back up the hill to my sister's house again. We decided to once again save money rather then spending it on a hotel. We drove back toward my sister's house and met Gary for dinner. Then we went back to their house and watched a movie before heading to bed.
Sisters in Davis, CA |
On Sunday morning we slept in again. Then we headed to one of my all-time favorite places to eat for breakfast...Sweetie Pies, in Placerville. We had a wonderful breakfast. I also ran into a couple of people I knew from EAS (the school where I used to teach). We took a drive by our old house. After breakfast, we went for a 6-mile jog/walk on a trail in the Placerville area. We went back home in time for me to shower and for my sisters to take me to the airport.
Waiting for Breakfast |
Our Old Home |
I had such a wonderful time seeing my sisters. I would like to add that if any of my friends from the N. Cal area are reading this, I want to say how sorry I am that I wasn't able to see you. I will have to make another trip to spend time with all of you.