Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Lots Going On

I can't remember everything we've done this past month, but many things have kept me so busy, I haven't had time to catch up on my blogging.  So here's a little recap.  Midway through June, Jeff got called back to the ICU for 2 weeks.  Once again we were back to 30 hour shifts, and I felt like a single parent for a short bit.  One Sunday this past month, we got to go to our friend Sammy's birthday party.  That was a fun time.  The boys got to ride on trains.  On the 20th, we celebrated Simon turning 10 months.  He's going to be a year old before I know it.  My parents stopped by a couple of times during the month, once on their way down to California and then again on their way back home.  While they were here the second time, Jeff and I got to go out for our anniversary.  And that's another thing we did in June...we celebrated 8 years of marriage.  Last week the boys did Vacation Bible School.  It was so neat to see them all grown-up enough for me to drop them off.  What a difference a year makes.  So we've been busy in June, and now I'd say we are ready for July.

Sammy's Birthday Party

Grandparents Visit

Simon's 10 Month

1 comment:

  1. We are so glad to get to be a part of some of your busy-ness. Sometimes being busy is fun!
