I can't express enough how much my friends mean to me. I don't always say it, but my friends are very dear to me. I think about the friends that I have gained throughout the years. I am thankful that as a little girl, I was able to develop close friendships that have lasted throughout the years. I think about the friends who came into my life during high school years. Each of them influenced me in ways for the better and have really helped me be a better person. I especially appreciate the friends who took me aside to teach me how to be a better friend. I have friends who I met during my years at college and at working at camp. Again, these people mean so much to me. Then, there are those friends who I came to know as an adult. I am so thankful that these people took the time to get to me. The older I get, the harder it is for me to reach out to others. So I am thankful for those who have befriended me. I had the wonderful opportunity to see one of my friends this past weekend. I am thankful for the times when I can see my friends, talk with them, visit with them, or even talk on the phone. Distance has put some of my friends far away, but they are never far from my heart. I know that sounds cheesy, but I really do mean that my friends mean so much to me, no matter how much time passes between visits. They have taught me so much, helped me when I was down, laughed with me, listened to me complain, and so much more. I hope and wish that I in return am a faithful friend to them. I know that if any of my friends need anything, I will do everything in my power to be there and help them. I love all you...my dear, sweet friends!
spending time with Marla this past weekend |