Sunday, September 17, 2017

Hawaii Days 7-10

On our last day in Hawaii, we played by the pool and in the ocean again.  Jeff and the boys did a little snorkeling.  I did some laundry and packed to leave then next day.
Dinner that night
On Saturday, we flew to Oahu.  It was a short flight over.  We got there and had time to go visit the Dole Plantation.

Dole Plantation 
Train Ride!



Daniel and I

Jeff and I

Grandma and Simon

Jeff and Sam
On Sunday, we spent the day visiting the Pearl Harbor Memorial.  It was quite an amazing experience.  It's almost hard to put into words.  I felt such awe and respect while were there, and it was a very humbling experience to know what the people went through that day of the attack.  In addition, we also toured the USS Missouri.

The Memorial 
The Harbor 
Reenacting the Kiss  
Pic by the Sign

On Monday we flew back home.  It was a wonderful trip.

Flying Home

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Hawaii Days 5 & 6

On Wednesday, we drove the Road to Hana.  This is a very curvy road with about 100 hairpin turns and curves.  It's about 60 miles long.  But it takes all day to drive it.  There are lots of one lane roads and sometimes you have to take turns with other cars.  Also, there are lots of places to stop along the way to get out for short hikes, playing in waterfalls or pools of water, or buying snacks.  It was an interesting trip.

All of us on a hike
Simon trying to get his arms around the tree
Sam, Simon and Jeff
All of us enjoying fresh Banana Bread
The Boys
Simon, Jeff and Daniel

On Thursday, we stayed at the hotel and swam again.  Jeff and Daniel went out for a kayak ride.  Sam and Simon played some chess.  That night we had dinner in town and visited the huge Banyon Tree.  

Jeff and his sisters
The Boys 
Family Pic