Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Lots Going On

I can't remember everything we've done this past month, but many things have kept me so busy, I haven't had time to catch up on my blogging.  So here's a little recap.  Midway through June, Jeff got called back to the ICU for 2 weeks.  Once again we were back to 30 hour shifts, and I felt like a single parent for a short bit.  One Sunday this past month, we got to go to our friend Sammy's birthday party.  That was a fun time.  The boys got to ride on trains.  On the 20th, we celebrated Simon turning 10 months.  He's going to be a year old before I know it.  My parents stopped by a couple of times during the month, once on their way down to California and then again on their way back home.  While they were here the second time, Jeff and I got to go out for our anniversary.  And that's another thing we did in June...we celebrated 8 years of marriage.  Last week the boys did Vacation Bible School.  It was so neat to see them all grown-up enough for me to drop them off.  What a difference a year makes.  So we've been busy in June, and now I'd say we are ready for July.

Sammy's Birthday Party

Grandparents Visit

Simon's 10 Month

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

One Years' Time

One year ago we had just moved to Portland, saying good-bye to our world in Loma Linda.  We moved to Portland and moved in with Jeff's parents.  I was 7 months pregnant.  Jeff had the month of June off, but then he was quickly starting residency in July.  Then, the birth of Simon brought another set of changes to our world.  We had sleepless nights.  Simon was by far our most difficult baby.  He loved being awake from about 3:00 to 6:00am and then slept from 6:00 to about 11:00am.  It was an adjustment.  Then, we moved out of Jeff's parent's house and into our own place in October.  Life was still a whirlwind, but I quickly tried to get us into a routine.  Soon, I decided that Daniel would benefit from going to Preschool and having something that was all his own.  A place opened up for him at a nice, Christian preschool just a few minutes away from us in November.  While he was the new kid, and it was hard for him to adjust, he loved school and had a wonderful year of learning new things.  The rest of the year things went a little more smoothly.  Simon finally figured out how to sleep through the night around 6 months (February), and with that I was a whole new person.  In March, April and May I often felt like a single parent as Jeff was on 30 hour call shifts quite a bit and many late night call shifts.  Now here it is June again.  Jeff and I will be celebrating 8 years together next week.  Simon turns 10 months this month.  And Jeff finishes his first year of residency at the end of the month.  What a year.

Simon, Sam & Daniel